Become a Member
We invite you to renew or become a Corporate Member of the Klondike Visitors Association (KVA),
KVA’s main marketing goal is to increase year-round visitation to Dawson City in an effort to sustain or grow the local economy. More visitors mean additional money, employment and resources, all of which help to make Dawson a better place to live. Tourism benefits us all!
The KVA is proud to be able to operate without core funding from the Yukon Government, we rely on the net revenues from our operations. With the continued impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic we have repeatedly faced our worst fears, closure of our revenue streams. As tourism has been the most impacted industry, we are grateful for the Federal and Territorial Governments financial supports that the KVA received to stay afloat.
Membership fees are a key revenue source in our budget. We look forward to your support to ensure we can continue to achieve our mandate.
KVA membership includes:
- Representation at career fairs
- Discounted membership (50%) with Tourism Industry Association of Yukon (TIAY)
- Co-operative marketing opportunities
- 50% savings from Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund (when applicable)
- 5% savings for KVA corporate members
- Referrals to your business from visitor inquiries
- 2 Gerties Passes / 4 Drink Tickets
- 1 KVA Vote
- KVA Newsletter
What we do:
- Work closely with all levels of government, non-government organizations, and business owners to ensure that the voice of tourism in Dawson City is heard
- Operate , the most viewed site for Dawson City (220,000+ annual views)
- Answer visitors’ inquiries year round (via phone, web, email, and social media)
- Market Dawson City through advertising, trade shows, partnerships, and promotions
- Operate attractions, including Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall and Jack London Museum
- Host 8 annual special events
- Assist groups to provide year-round meetings, events, and conventions
- Operate Dawson City’s Social Media Platforms: Facebook- (VisitDawsonCity, – 47,000 followers); Instagram (VisitDawsonCity- 14,000 followers);
- Work with media persons to ensure Dawson is showcased as an attractive destination
- Offer Community grants for Non-Profit Organizations
- Partner with TIAY to offer the Giovanni Castellarin Scholarship
Fill out the form below to become a KVA Corporate Member.
After filling out the form you will be sent to a payment page.
For individual or government memberships, please contact us.
Corporate Membership Fee: $200 + GST